Suffering Follows The Evil-Doer
Mind precedes all knowables,
mind's their chief, mind-made are they.
If with a corrupted mind
one should either speak or act
dukkha follows caused by that,
as does the wheel the ox's hoof.
Explanation: All that we experience begins with thought. Our
words and deeds spring from thought. If we speak or act with evil
thoughts, unpleasant circumstances and experiences inevitably result.
Wherever we go, we create bad circumstances because we carry bad thoughts.
This is very much like the wheel of a cart following the hoofs of
the ox yoked to the cart. The cart-wheel, along with the heavy load
of the cart, keeps following the draught oxen. The animal is bound
to this heavy load and cannot leave it.
Ulangan praktek Dhammapada Jum'at,07 Juni 2013,12:00
all that happened to us starts from the mind. attitude appears, the words that appear, all comes from the mind. including happiness. The main source of happiness is the mind. at worst circumstances, if we can think wise, all will be fine and we are happy. commonly called the suggestion of mind
Everybody was born with their kamma...
If they have a good kamma they'll have a good life more than their past
But if they got a bad kamma
They'll born more bad than their past
So its mean that do the best thing to get a best future and to make dukkha far away from our life and let the happiness come and join in our life ^_^
wonderful :)
be kind whenever possible. its always possible
Wow b.inggris bagus" galo :D
Dak ngerti b.inggris pak :D
hello guys :D
hello jgo :)
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